Specialized Workforce
Trade Cluster Employment
Nogales employment follows the core traded and non-traded industry clusters, with distribution and transportation driving traded cluster employment.
Job creation has emerged in a number of fields during the years from 1998-2013. These include distribution and electronic commerce, transportation and logistics, construction and lighting/electrical equipment. Associated occupations include hand laborers and freight, stock and material movers, truck drivers, vehicle service technicians, hand packers, and billing and posting clerks, along with specialized sales, logistics, supervisory and management occupations.
Nogales Job Creation by Traded Clusters
Every regional economy has its own distinct portfolio of clusters. This chart shows the strongest traded clusters in the Nogales region, as well as its top performing traded and local clusters. The charts rank the leading clusters in this region based on a set of core performance indicators. The Porter job creation charts provide more specific data on the cluster using a dashboard.
View more data on Nogales at Arizona Commerce Authority. Select: Santa Cruz County.