Foreign Trade Zone 60
FTZ 60, the Heart of the West’s Commerce
Santa Cruz County is a crossroads for trade, and FTZ 60 which is designated to provide services within the entire County, is geographically situated to serve local, regional and global markets. The area is within 500 miles of these major markets and ports: Long Beach/Los Angeles, CA; Albuquerque, NM; San Diego, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Guaymas, Sonora, MX; El Paso, TX; Hermosillo, Sonora, MX; Yuma, AZ; Phoenix, AZ. FTZ 60, is positioned at the United States southern entry of the CANAMEX-Interstate 11 trade corridor connecting Western Canada with Mexico’s Pacific Coast and Mexico City.The Port of Guaymas, only 241 miles from Nogales, is an expanded deep-water port already referred to as “Arizona’s port,” especially with shipments connected to Arizona’s mining industry. Those businesses who find Santa Cruz County’s logistics beneficial may also access the the benefits of the Foreign Trade Zone Program should those be suited to suited to their needs.
The Most Modern Port of Entry on the US-Mexico Border
The Nogales Mariposa Port of Entry is America’s premier high tech Port Of Entry. This POE recently underwent a $244 million expansion to create the most modern and efficient port of entry on the U.S. Mexico border. The port now has the shortest wait times on the U.S. Mexico border, which results in valuable savings: fuel, costs and delivery time. Proudly focusing on sustainability, the port boasts a “green” design, friendly to both the people who use it and the environment.
State-of-the-Art Efficient Infrastructure
Mariposa POE’s state-of the art infrastructure and increase in personnel contribute to cost savings and decreased expenses. Efficiencies in moving trucks across the border result in savings in fuel, product quality and time. Nogales is the best location for just-in-time delivery for Mexico’s West Coast supply chain. Currently, 85 percent of commercial trucks between Mexico and Arizona pass through the Mariposa Port of Entry. Nogales is the only place where the U.S. I-10/ I-19 corridor meets the growing commercial demand on Mexico’s Highway 15.
Globally Competitive Low Cost Manufacturing
Ambos Nogales is becoming the center of an aggressive “near shoring” campaign. Many multinational companies are rediscovering the logistics and labor benefits of being located next door to their largest market. Protection of intellectual property rights and accessibility to corporate engineers are additional advantages of being located in Northern Mexico.
Miles of Commercial Warehousing
To facilitate both north and south bound trade through the Mariposa Port, Santa Cruz County houses numerous warehouse and cold-storage facilities designed to facilitate both north and south bound trade through the Mariposa Port. Many of the established distributors in Nogales offer in-and-out services as well as FTZ services for those looking for those services but not yet ready to purchase or build their own warehouse. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of feet of already existing cold storage and dry warehouse space, Nogales has several locations which are “shovel ready” and available to be built to any prospective user’s needs.
Long-established International Trade Relationships
The Nogales/ Santa Cruz County business community has a long-established, excellent working relationship with the Customs Border Protection (CBP) and other agencies. There is substantial specialized talent to help with logistics and support for cross border trade. Specialty service providers have experience working both sides of the international border, with expertise in business consulting, financial and legal services, customs and trucking brokerages, etc. These established trade relationships translate into the most expedient crossings possible at the Mariposa Port of Entry.