Robust Trade History
A Vital Trade Corridor
Santa Cruz County, home to Foreign Trade Zone 60, was an important trade corridor even before the Spanish first settled the Ambos Nogales territory in the 1500s. Under the rule of New Spain, this route became known as part of El Camino Real (The King’s Highway or Royal Road). The Mexican government established a free trade zone for the border region after the Gadsden Purchase.Ambos Nogales was the site of the first rail connection between Mexico and the United States. At the same time, between 1880 and 1900, Northern Sonora became one of the most prosperous states in all of Mexico as it attracted foreign capital, industrial development and trade relationships. It became fully integrated into a mercantile route for Arizona and Sonoran import-export operations, which extended from Tucson, through Nogales, and south to Hermosillo and Guaymas, one of Mexico’s best natural harbors.Learn more about Nogales, Arizona's commerce history.
Generations of International Trade Expertise and Business Relationships
Nogales is home to generations of trusted professionals and companies with proven expertise in international trade and business transactions. These professionals offer a competitive regional capability that is largely unmatched along the Mexican border.
A Cadre Of Business Professionals
The long established logistics networks in Santa Cruz County efficiently and effectively import, export, manufacture and distribute goods. This kind of expertise is invaluable in matching small and medium size businesses with the resources they need to grow. Cross-border trade problems in the region are solved with ease. Years of tradition and solid business relationships have built an unequaled foundation of trust and confidence. This expertise provides the resources necessary for both small adnd large business growth by ensuring access to well-established, deep networks of relationships.The world-class reputation and time-tested relationships of the region’s existing cadre of business professionals, paired with the ease of moving imports and exports across the Nogales Ports and the benefits offered through FTZ 60 can provide businesses with a competitive edge in international business.